Chapter RRP Information

In 2024, Rocky Mountain RIMS launched a new membership option for local Risking Risk Professionals (RRP), and it's completely free! Join us in shaping the future of risk management by spreading the word and inviting RRPs to take advantage of this exciting opportunity! We are actively seeking RRP sponsors and educators who can contribute to empowering the next generation of risk professionals, offering steadfast support and mentorship to the next generation. Please share the news with any Rising Risk Professionals you know!


We plan to host four RRP events throughout the year, which will include two social events and two educational events:

    • Q1 - 4/4 -  Fling Into Spring (Social Event)
    • Q2 - 5/17 - RRP Golf 101 Event (Educational Event)
    • Q3 - TBD - Educational Event
    • Q4 - TBD - Social Event
    RRP Eligibility Requirements:
    • In the field of risk management, and
    • 30 years old or younger, or
    • Less than 7 years of experience in the risk and insurance industry
    • For a RRP, the Rocky Mountain RIMS Chapter Membership is FREE (previously $85 for Professionals and $180 for Associates). Visit Rising Risk Professional Chapter-only Membership to join.
    • For a RRP, Society Membership is $149 (+ $0 to name the Rocky Mountain Chapter). Join HERE.

    Please note: RRP Memberships are different than Student Memberships. Student memberships are completely free at the society and chapter level. More information can be found HERE.

    Thank you to our Chapter RRP Sponsor