Welcome to the Potomac Chapter of RIMS
On 1 September 1980, The Potomac Chapter of the Risk & Insurance Management Society was formed under the direction of Howard T. Watson who served as the Chapter’s first president. In the 35 years since our founding, we have strived to fulfill our Chapter’s mission to support the members of the Potomac Chapter of RIMS by providing the environment and resources to advance the practice and recognition of risk management. Our Chapter Value Statement that reads supports this: “Our chapter provides the forums and resources to exchange knowledge and advance the practice and recognition of the risk management industry in the District of Columbia metro area.”
Our Chapter is uniquely located in and around the nation's capital, Washington D.C., providing a wealth of risk and insurance management resources and potential from in and around the District of Columbia. Our membership reflects the organizational diversity of the area with representation from many industries including high-tech, communications, public entities, hospitality, non-profit, financial and more. Some of the best and brightest minds in risk management are associated with our Chapter including several Business Insurance Risk Manager of the Year, Risk Management Honor Roll Awards recipients and Spencer Scholars. Our membership is not only active on the local level but participates on National RIMS Committees, Board of Directors and a former Society president.
If you are involved in the risk management process in any way in this region, you should be an actively participating member of Potomac RIMS. Whether your area of focus is risk identification and analysis, or risk control through safety and security, or risk financing including claims, insurance or alternatives, we encourage you to participate in our Chapter. Help advance the practice and recognition of risk management in this region.
We invite your input and feedback on how Potomac RIMS could serve you better. Help us continue to bring the Value Statement to fruition. Please contact us.
Randy F. Jouben, CPCU, ARM, CBCP, MBCI
Potomac Chapter of RIMS