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Your voice can make a difference!

  • 1.  Your voice can make a difference!

    Posted 09-24-2024 02:26 PM

    Please contact your members of Congress to encourage them to support enhancements to the National Flood Insurance Program. 

    RIMS is asking congress to adopt the following changes:

    • Multi-Year Reauthorization. It is vital for the NFIP to be reauthorized before the current expiration date of September 30, 2024.
    • Allow for the Purchase of Blanket Policies. Currently, owners of commercial properties are forced to purchase separate NFIP policies for each building on each property they own.
    • Expand Commercial Coverage for Betterments and Improvements. Under current NFIP rules, a tenant who leases space in an NFIP-covered building is unable to purchase insurance to cover damages to the betterments and improvements they have made caused by flood.
    • Improve Adjuster Qualifications.  Require adjusters to have appropriate property & casualty loss adjusting experience and proper training to adjust an NFIP loss.
    • Privatization Support, with Concerns. RIMS supports efforts to encourage private insurance companies to enter the flood insurance market.

    Clint Fritz, MEng, CSP, ARM
    Risk Manager
    Nelson Brothers, LLC
    Birmingham AL
    United States