
How to Make Sure Your Corgi is Happy

By Robert Lear posted 03-04-2021 11:56 PM


Corgis, both the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, are energetic dogs that will fill your house with love and laughter. These pooches aren’t just cute but they are playful and will always lighten up any day. 

It’s because of this that it’s important to make sure your corgis are healthy and happy all the time. Well, the great news is that taking care of a dog isn’t nearly as hard as it seems. It’s all about getting the simple things right. 

Here are three tips that you can consider today:

Keep Your Dog Busy

Corgis were originally bred as herding breeds. 

This basically means that they are working dogs and would, therefore, need to be busy for the best part of their day. Giving your corgi something to do truly makes the pooch happy. 

Besides, the last thing you want is for your corgi to get bored. The pooch will start to engage in distractive behavior, including incessant chewing, barking, and picking fights with other pets in the house.

Check Its Back 

When I say “check its back” I actually mean it literally. One of the biggest health issues corgis arise from their backs. In that case, you may want to inspect your pooch’s back more regularly just to be sure there’s nothing wrong there. 

Corgis have a long spine which is susceptible to health issues, especially as they age. They are also prone to hip dysplasia. 

Any accidents can lead to severe long-term injuries. For this reason, ensure that your corgi avoids walking on slippery surfaces. 

You may also want to ensure your home, especially your staircases are dog-proof. Also, corgis shouldn’t be encouraged to jump from tall heights. Additionally, it’s also a great idea to take your corgi to the vet and have them checked regularly, especially on the limbs and the back. 

After all, if spinal or hip conditions are discovered early enough, then it will be much easier to have the corgi treated.

Make Sure You Spend Time with Your Pet

Corgis love attention and that’s just a fact. Before you go to a corgi sale, make sure you have enough time to spend with your dog. 

Corgis simply want to feel the affection of the owner. This can of course be achieved in all kinds of ways. 

For example, spoiling your pet with treats or taking her to the park to play are always great ways to bond with your pooch. Besides, corgis also love to cuddle. 

So, if the pooch jumps in bed with you on a cold rainy night, let them enjoy it. In time, the dog will learn to love you and be affectionate with everyone else in your family.

Final Thoughts

Keeping corgis happy is easy and it doesn’t require a lot of effort. As long as you can take them to the vet regularly, spend quality time with them, and keep them busy, corgis will live a long and healthy life. 

Typically, they can live for between 12 to 15 years.

