Piedmont RIMS January 14 Meeting - Mitigating Data Privacy Risks from AI

When:  Jan 14, 2025 from 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Piedmont

Ben Milam, with Bradley, will discuss how to mitigate data privacy risks from AI.

The increasing commercial use of artificial intelligence presents unique challenges for businesses seeking an ethical approach to managing their data and creates new data privacy risks, including problems arising from data breaches, data persistence, surveillance, and transparency.  We will discuss these risks and strategies to contain them in an effective and ethical manner, including how cyber and data privacy insurance will respond to the unique risks associated with AI. 

Learning objectives:

  • Understand data privacy risks unique to AI

  • Describe an effective and ethical approach to AI risk mitigation

  • Review insurance coverages for data privacy exposures


Prestonwood Country Club
300 Prestonwood Pkwy.
Cary, NC 27513

Pricing Information

Registration Price
Member $0.00
Non-member $25.00


Jorie Dickerson